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UST Teaching and Learning Support

Teaching Support Notice Creating future values in association with government - funded research institutes

Teaching Support Notice

게시물 검색
[교수학습지원_영문]Teaching Support Noticelist 으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, create 일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
num. Subject Department Views Registration Date Attachments
39 Notice for Learning Support Program 2021 Fall Center for Excellence in Education 385 2021-10-05
38 Notice for Learning Support Workshop 2021 (Strategies to manage stress) Center for Excellence in Education 263 2021-07-08
37 Notice for English Language Program(Academic Presentation Skill up) Center for Excellence in Education 540 2021-06-17
36 Notice for English Language Program(Business Conversation Skills up) Center for Excellence in Education 354 2021-05-11
35 Notice for Python Course Recommendation and Support Center for Excellence in Education 383 2021-05-04
34 Notice for Presentation Skill up Program 2021 Center for Excellence in Education 306 2021-05-03
33 Notice for Academic Writing Program 2021 Center for Excellence in Education 342 2021-04-15
32 Free e-Learning Courses in January, 2018 Academic Affairs Team 3,520 2017-12-21 ZIP 파일다운로드
31 Free e-Learning Courses in December, 2017 Academic Affairs Team 3,709 2017-11-22 ZIP 파일다운로드
30 Free e-Learning Courses in November, 2017 Academic Affairs Team 3,619 2017-10-20 ZIP 파일다운로드