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Academic Notice

Academic Register

게시물 검색
[대표_영문] Academic Registerlist 으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, create 일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
num. Subject Department Views Registration Date Attachments
50 Notice on Special Leave of Absence for Fall 2020 Semester due to COVID-19 Student Affairs Team 8,684 2020-08-21
49 2020 Fall semester Post-Coursework Enrollment(Aug.20.Thu. ~ Sep.4.Fri.) Student Affairs Team 5,811 2020-08-20 ZIP 파일다운로드
48 [2020-Fall] Notice for Course Registration Academic Affairs Team 12,353 2020-07-27 ZIP 파일다운로드
47 Notice on leave of absence and reinstatement for Fall 2020 Student Affairs Team 4,867 2020-07-24
46 Shortening of minimum residence requirement for the 2020 Spring semester Student Affairs Team 1,400 2020-06-17 Announcement of Shortening of the Minimum Residence Requirement (Early Course Completion).pdf
45 Notice for Extension of Maximum Term of Study(Prescribed time limit) for 2020 Spring Semester Student Affairs Team 1,278 2020-06-15 (2020 Springl) Notice for Maximum Term of Study Extension.hwp
44 Notice on leave of absence and reinstatement for spring 2020 Student Affairs Team 2,363 2020-03-02
43 2020 Spring semester Post-Coursework Enrollment(Feb.20.Thu. ~ Mar.6.Fri.) Student Affairs Team 3,802 2020-02-20 ZIP 파일다운로드
42 [2020-Spring] Notice for Course Registration Academic Affairs Team 3,326 2020-01-31 ZIP 파일다운로드
41 Shortening of minimum residence requirement for the 2019 Fall semester Student Affairs Team 1,882 2019-12-20 Announcement of Shortening of the Minimum Residence Requirement (Early Course Completion).pdf