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Academic Notice


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[대표_영문] Etc.list 으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, create 일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
num. Subject Department Views Registration Date Attachments
35 One-day Class for Foreign Students of UST(9/20 & 9/21) Student Affairs Team 11,469 2019-08-26 Notice.jpg
34 The Dasan Conference 2019 guidance Student Affairs Team 3,650 2019-06-11 Invitation_Dasan Conference 2019.pdf
33 [Notice] 2019 Spring UST E-Library User Class Student Affairs Team 3,340 2019-05-30 [Notice] 2019 Spring UST E-Library User Class(2019.5.30.).pdf
32 Notification of the 1st overseas training program 2019 and the 1st International Exchange Program 2019 Student Affairs Team 9,109 2018-11-08 ZIP 파일다운로드
31 Selection result of the 2018 2nd Overseas Training Program and 4th International Exchange Program Student Affairs Team 6,824 2018-09-19 ZIP 파일다운로드
30 Notification of the 2nd overseas training program 2018 and the 4th International Exchange Program 2018 Student Affairs Team 8,298 2018-08-07 ZIP 파일다운로드
29 E-Library user class Student Affairs Team 6,346 2018-07-20 UST E-Library user class.pdf
28 [Selection result of the 2018 3rd International Exchange Program] Student Affairs Team 4,941 2018-06-15 2018년 제3차 국제연구교류지원사업 선정자(Selected Applicants).pdf
27 2018 Summer Korean Course for preparation of TOPIK Test (Daejeon Area) International Cooporation Team 4,328 2018-06-08 2018 Summer Korean Course for preparation of TOPIK Test.pdf
26 Results of Screening for 1st UST-SOKENDAI STS Workshop International Cooporation Team 4,373 2018-05-30