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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST


Newcomers Program

Newcomers’ Program

  • UST fosters key talents with abundant on-site research experiences in science and technology fields across 33national research school renowned throughout Korea.
  • UST nurtures talents who are equipped with 4Cs in the science and technology fields to create value by developing advancements in science and technology.
Newcomers’ Program


  • STAR TREK stands for Science and Technology Advanced Research Trust, Respect, Engagement and Knowledge UST’s unique curriculum to help freshmen successfully adjust to UST’s unique educational environment and establish a sense of belonging as student researchers based on UST core values(4C: Creativity, Challenge, Convergence, Credibility).
  • Two-week program before admission for the newcomers (graduation requirement under Article 4 of the Degree Conferment Regulations.)

What is the purpose of UST STAR TREK?

To help freshmen ① cultivate knowledge and attitudes necessary for their growth as future science talents, ② strengthen solidarity with their classmates, and ③ quickly adjust to UST’s on-site research and learning environment.

What can students hope to take away from UST STAR TREK?

  • Understanding of academic affairs and opening of common subjects, including compulsory education
  • Enhanced fundamental research skills
  • Strengthen knowledge of various topics through special lecture
  • Problem solving project
  • Forming network among students