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Academic Administration


UST Degree Requirements

According to UST regulations, a degree can be obtained if all of the following requirements are met
  1. 1Completion requirements: Completion of the Minimum term of study for each program, Completion of the minimum number of credits, and the GPA is B0 (3.0) or higher
  2. 2Paper Publication
  3. 3Pass the comprehensive exam or Qualifying Exam
  4. 4Submission of Official English test score
  5. 5Passed the thesis dissertation
  6. 6Completion of Newcomers’ Program
  7. 7Satisfying School-specific degree requirements

Subject to change depending on the revisions of academic regulation

Minimum term of study : The minimum years to complete a course of study

Minimum term of study - Master's, Doctoral, Integrative Provide information
Master's Doctoral Integrative
2years 2years 4years

Reduction of the Course of Study

Students who get the minimum credits for receiving a degree may graduate early; 6 months maximum for master's and doctoral students and 1 year maximum for integrative Courses students.

You can apply for Shortening of the Minimum term of study at the UST portal. Detailed information will be on UST homepage.

UST Minimum Credit Requirements

Note There are cases where the required major courses are designated for each major. So students have to check the campus /Major degree requirements.

Requirements for students entered from the spring semester of 2019

Requirements for students entered from the spring semester of 2019 - Classification of Credits, Evaluation, Required Credits
Classification of Credits Evaluation Required Credits
Master's Program Doctoral Program Intergrative Program
Classes Common Core courses Percentage 2 2 2
Major courses Percentage 12 12 24
Research Field research Percentage 12 12 24
Seminar S/U 2 2 4
Total 32 32 60

In order to complete the total required number of minimum credits, students must complete additional coursework with at least the minimum number of credits for each program
E.g.: Master’s and Ph.D. students are required to receive 2 common core course credits, 12 major course credits, 12 field research credits, and 2 seminar course credits for a total of 28 credits. Thus, they must earn an additional 4 credits in any courses they choose to meet the required 32 total credits.

Requirements for students entered from Fall semester of 2016 until Fall semester of 2018

Requirements for students entered from Fall semester of 2016 until Fall semester of 2018 - Classification of Credits, Evaluation, Required Credits
Classification of Credits Evaluation Required Credits
Master's Program Doctoral Program Intergrative Program
Classes Common Core courses S/U, Percentage 3 3 3
Major courses Percentage 12 12 24
Research Field research Percentage 12 12 24
Seminar S/U 2 2 4
Thesis S/U 3 3 3
Total 32 32 58

Requirements for students entered from the Fall semester 2012 until Spring semester of 2016

Requirements for students entered from the Fall semester 2012 until Spring semester of 2016 - Classification of Credits, Evaluation, Required Credits
Classification of Credits Evaluation Required Credits
Master's Program Doctoral Program Intergrative Program
Classes Common Core courses S/U, Percentage 3 3 6
Major courses Percentage 12 12 24
Research Field research Percentage 12 12 24
Seminar S/U 2 2 4
Thesis S/U 3 3 6
Total 32 32 64

Paper Publication

Doctoral Degree (Integrative)
  • Publish 1 or more articles in internationally renowned academic journals including SCI as the first author, or if the president acknowledges that his/her research performance is equivalent to the above criterion after a review by the Graduate Committee

    Corresponding Research Performance: Paper publications in SCIE or SSCI

Master’s Degre
  • Publish 1 or more articles in professional journal(domestic or international), or if the president acknowledges that his/her research performance is equivalent to the above criterion after a review by the Graduate Committee

    Corresponding Research Performance: Oral or Poster presentation at international conferences

  • Criteria for degree conferral by campus / school
  • Must meet the detailed campus requirements (*inquire campus representative for more information)
  • All research records are acknowledged only by the student’s affiliated institution (UST)

Comprehensive Examination

For all master Program students and Ph.D. / Integrated program students entered until Fall semester of 2022

An examination to assess a student's knowledge of fundamental and advanced subjects and their ability to apply such knowledge in the major field of study. Only students who have passed the Comprehensive exam are eligible to apply for Dissertation.

Comprehensive Examination - Classification Details
Classification Details
Eligibility A student who has acquired or is expected to acquire the course credits(common core course and Major course) and Research Credits(Field Training and Seminar).
Schedule March(Spring semester) and September(Fall semester) every year

The above schedule is subject to change, Pleases refer to the website notice for details.

Qualifying Exam

For Ph.D. / Integrated program students entered from Spring semester of 2023

An examination to valuates comprehensive research skills necessary for completing a degree course, such as research understanding and thinking skills in the major. Only students who have passed the Qualifying exam are eligible to apply for Dissertation.

Category Contents
Evaluation Method Research Performance Report Based oral evaluation in principle
Schedule Qualifying Exam is conducted once every semester (March/September)
Opportunity to apply limited to two times
Notes If students cannot pass the Qualifying Exam(or do not take it) within a fixed time limit, treat as follow.
Program Examination(Pass) Deadline Acation on Failure
Ph.D. from admission to 3rd semester expulsion
Integrative from admission to 6th semester Transition the program to the Master

TOPIK - Test of Proficiency in Korean (For Special admission)

Level 2 or above (For students enrolled in 2013 ~ 2017)

Exempt from freshmen in 2018(Criteria for degree conferral by campus and school can be contained the TOPIK score)

Thesis/Dissertation (Required for both doctoral and master’s degree)

A candidate may request a review for thesis/dissertation evaluation if he/she (1) fulfills respective credit requirements, (2) passes a comprehensive or qualifying exam, (3) receives a recommendation from an academic advisor.


Classification - Classification, Details
Classification Details
Required for All Courses(Master's/Doctoral/Integrative)
  • Students who have acquired credits according to the article 40 of the academic regulations (acquiring credits by course) or who projected to acquire credits by course registration for the relevant semester
  • Students who have passed the comprehensive or qualifying exam
  • Students who have received recommendations from their academic advisors
  • Students who have passed the evaluation for doctoral thesis proposals(Paper publication needed to apply the dissertation evaluation from freshmen in 2017)
Schedule for Evaluation
  • Spring Semester - Evaluation Period (Apr. – June) → Submit printed copy (July) degree conferral (Aug.)
  • Fall Semester - Evaluation Period (Oct. – Dec.) → Submit printed copy (Jan.) degree conferral (Feb.)

Refer to academic manual for detailed information

Newcomers’ Program

(Starting with the new students of the Fall semester 2016, the completion of all the subjects for newcomers Program)

UST graduates who have already completed the Newcomers' Program are exempt from attending it as a degree requirement when enrolling in UST.(If UST graduates enter UST, UST STAR TREK is exempted.)


  • There may be campus-specific requirements for paper publication, in such case both UST requirements and campus-specific requirements must be satisfied in order to acquire degree.
  • 'University of Science and Technology(UST)' must be listed as an affiliated institution to qualify as a valid research achievement.
  • You have to check the Plagiarism and have to submit the result of it. See the notice at UST hompage