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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST

Student Welfare

Student Support

Student Labor Contract

According to the government policy to protect the rights of graduate students and improve the academic environment, UST students are expected to sign UST Student Labor Contract with their schools

Financial Support

UST enrolled students are provided with financial support to ensure their studies and research environments.

Payment Standards

Payment Standards - Degree course, Amount
Degree course Amount
Doctoral course Minimum of KRW 1.8 million/month
Master’s course Minimum of KRW 1.35 million/month

Award Programs

UST Research Paper Award

A program to enhance motivation together with to provide practical support by awarding students for their excellent research results

  • Prize information: Award certificate and prize money (Excellent Research Paper Advisor Awards are given to the advisor of the student who has received the UST Research Paper Award)
  • Award eligibility:Students currently enrolled at UST or UST graduates

Outstanding Student Researcher

Outstanding RA (Research Assistant)

Students recognized for their excellence by the School Faculty Meeting are selected as Outstanding RAs and receive a research assistant allowance as an incentive.

  • Support Details: KRW 1.25 million (in the semester when selected), Certificate of Outstanding RA
  • Eligibility: Students currently enrolled at UST