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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST

Student Welfare

Overseas Exchange Program

Overseas Exchange Program

This program is to nurture global leaders in the fields of science and technology by providing financial support for overseas training program or international presentation support program to outstanding students.

Overseas Training Program

  • Introduction : To strengthen our students’ research capabilities and to build their international networks by supporting their participation in internship programs, research exchanges, research collaboration, and more
  • Support period : Within 90 days
  • Program Scholarship : Airplane ticket, Living expense, Traveler insurance
  • Eligibility :
    • Students enrolled for coursework or post-coursework
    • Students who have obtained permission from the institution they plan on visiting
    • Students who are unable to obtain a degree within the training period
    • Will not earn a degree during the program participation.
    • Successful applicants should be able to leave Korea in each supporting period

International Presentation Support Program

  • Introduction : To support students in becoming more aware of the latest trends in science and technology through funding research exchanges, including domestic and overseas international conferences, and education trend surveys.
  • Support period : Within 15 days
  • Program Scholarship : Airplane ticket, Living expense, Traveler insurance, Conference registration fee
  • Eligibility :
    • Those who completed more than one semester
    • Students capable of fluent communication in English or the primary language of the destination
    • Students presenting at international conferences as first authors in each supporting period