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Psychological Testing

Stress Test

Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) test

For each question, in the context of the past month, please indicate the number that best represents how you have felt.

  • Never-0
  • Almost never-1
  • Sometimes-2
  • Often-3
  • Almost Every day-4
table guide – Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) test
Items 0 1 2 3 4
1. How often have you been upset by something unexpected?
2. How often have you felt that you had no control over something important?
3. How often have you felt anxious and stressed?
4. How often have you felt confident that you can handle your personal problems well?
5. How often have you felt that things were going your way?
6. How often have you been unable to cope well with all the things you had to do?
7. How often have you been able to control the things in life that irritate or annoy you?
8. How often have you felt that you did something well?
9. How often have you been upset about something you couldn't do on your own?
10. How often have you felt that you couldn’t overcome the difficulties you faced ?/th>
Taken from Lee Jong-ha et al. (2012), "A study on the Reliability and Validity of the Korean version of the Perceived Stress Scale", The Psychiatric Association