Course Name Course number Language Credts Branch Course outline
Experimental Models for Animal Diseases 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Experimental Models for Animal Diseases


Lecture Objectives

  • This lecture introduces various laboratory animal models and deals with animal model designs for the study of human diseases.
Statistics for Medical Science 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Statistics for Medical Science


Lecture Objectives

  • This course provides the core of statistics and data analysis in modern public health research and practice, focusing on the understanding the statistical issues in the planning and analysis of research, applying statistical analysis to clinical studies, and understanding of basic statistical aspects of published research.
Development of KM Plant Blology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Development of KM Plant Blology


Lecture Objectives

  • 1) This lecture teaches the physiology of the herb, and the reproduction of herb, which are the origins of traditional medicine, from the perspective of botanical and traditional medicine. 2) This class aims to provide students with extensive and comprehensive knowledge about secondary metabolites present in herbal medicines which is necessary for the treatment of human diseases. It can serve as a basic guideline in dealing with the standardization of herbal medicines, and for this purpose, it conveys knowledge of the separation, refinement, structure determination, and analytical chemistry for understanding index component, chemical constituents, and active ingredients contained in herbal medicines.
Development of Korean Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment Technology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Development of Korean Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment Technology


Lecture Objectives

  • This subject studies and studies the methodology for developing treatment technologies using physiological responses induced by stimulating meridians and acupuncture points used in acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, as well as the methodology for developing medical devices and medical technologies through this method.
Korean Medicine Neuro-Physio-Pathology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Korean Medicine Neuro-Physio-Pathology


Lecture Objectives

  • 1) Study on pathophysiology to understand human pathological processes and the repair system of alterations in disease for homeostasis through research and analysis of physiological mechanisms and internal organs. 2) This course is a neuroscientific interpretation of the changes that acupuncture point stimulation causes in the human body. In addition, we understand how local acupuncture point stimulation affects the entire human body while identifying the meridian system and its correlation. Finally, the goal is to understand neuroscientifically how the meridian system controls the diseases in human body.
Korean Herbal Medicine 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Korean Herbal Medicine


Lecture Objectives

  • 1) This course focuses on plants used as herbal medicinal herbs among herbal medicines, as well as general characteristics and theories on the basics of herbal medicine resources. 2) Study on pharmacology of therapeutic agents including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenomics and pharmacotherapeutics.
Research Methodology for Korean Convergence Medical Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Research Methodology for Korean Convergence Medical Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • 1) This course provides an overview of research methodology related to medical engineering necessary for scientific research in Korean convergence medicine, and lectures on hypothesis establishment and verification methods, focusing on the use of biological signals and medical images. 2) It teaches basic knowledge on biosignals and biomedical imaging technologies that are used or can be used in Korean medical clinics. We will be taught physiological background, measurement and analysis, and application of concerned biosignals. The biosignals to be coved in this class includes but not limited to the category related to basic physiological metabolism (body temperature, respiration, body heat, heart beat, etc), body electricity (electrocardiography, electroencephalography, electromyography, bioimpedance, etc), hemodynamic biosignals (pulse wave, blood flow, heat conduction, etc), and biomedical imaging (facial image, tongue image, abdominal image, ultrasound image, etc).
Research Methodology for Korean Convergence Medical Science 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Research Methodology for Korean Convergence Medical Science


Lecture Objectives

  • This course provides an overview of various research methodologies necessary for scientific research in Korean convergence medicine, and lectures on clinical data-based hypothesis establishment and verification methods, focusing on clinical research methodology.
Research Methodology for Korean Convergence Medical Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Research Methodology for Korean Convergence Medical Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • This course provides an overview of biology-related research methodology necessary for scientific research in Korean convergence medicine, and lectures on hypothesis establishment and verification methods, focusing on the use of experimental zoology and molecular biology methodologies.
KM Applied Pharmacology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

KM Applied Pharmacology


Lecture Objectives

  • 1) New Drug Development Using Traditional Herbal Medicine provides knowledges of how to develop new drugs that meet the modern scientific requirements, ease of use, and specification using Oriental medicine theory and materials. In detail, it deals with the overall process of developing a new drug, such as setting development goals, development strategy, development process and method, securing intellectual property rights, regulation, licensing and development examples. 2) Based on the business model and R&DB perspective required in the herbal medicine industry, students can learn the case studies of practical use and industrialization and entrepreneurship.
Korean Convergence Medical Informatics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Korean Convergence Medical Informatics


Lecture Objectives

  • 1) This course provides an overview of medical informatics for systematic and fusion analysis of various biological, medical engineering, and clinical information generated in the field of Korean convergence medicine. 2) This course provides basic knowledge of the unique characteristics of Korean medical information necessary to develop AI using medical information of oriental medicine, and core AI technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, big data, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics etc. 3) This course provides an overview of the characteristics of clinical information collected in Korean medicine clinics, and learn how to use these clinical information, the importance of data quality, standardization, quantification methods necessary to enhance data quality and design of involuntary collection systems for sustainable collection etc..
KM Precision Medicine 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

KM Precision Medicine


Lecture Objectives

  • Learn the precision medicine approach of Oriental medicine and the precision medicine approach of modern life science, and learn personalized daily health care and treatment methods by combining them. Specifically, learn about the oriental medicine personalized medicine approach focusing on the constitutional theory and principles of Sasang Medicine, and learn and research health promotion technology through personalized treatment by combining genome and biosignal-based precision medicine data collection and use and research methods. Learn methodology.
Developing Korean Medicine Diagnosis Tools Study 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Developing Korean Medicine Diagnosis Tools Study


Lecture Objectives

  • 1) This lecture covers questionnaires, biomarkers, and bio-signal measurement devices etc for developing KM diagnostic indicators. 2) This lecture covers the required regulations and standards throughout the entire process, from medical device development to commercialization. It is composed of contents related to the characteristics of the Korean medicine medical device, understanding of medical device-related laws and administrative systems, medical device certification, licensing process, clinical application, and the work of each process.
Introduction to Korean Medicine 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Korean Medicine


Lecture Objectives

  • The basic theories of korean medicine are Yin-Yang, Five Elements, etiology, pattern identification, treatment principles, prevention principles, herbal medicine, meridians, acupuncture points, acupuncture therapy, etc. to help researchers understand korean medicine, Aims to cultivate the ability to design convergence research using korean medicine.
Special Lecture on Korean Medicine 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Special Lecture on Korean Medicine


Lecture Objectives

  • Students can make a reasonable explanation on the contents of Korean Medicine. Students learn how to focus on symptom, progress and treatment of the patients. Learning and studying about principle of Sasang constitutional medicine.