Course Name Course number Language Credts Branch Course outline
Infectious Microbiology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Infectious Microbiology


Lecture Objectives

  • This class will introduce you to understand the concepts and pathogenic mechanisms of microorganisms(viruses, fungi, bacteria etc.)
Infectious Disease Pharmacology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Infectious Disease Pharmacology


Lecture Objectives

  • Infectious diseases, caused by bacteria and viruses, have long posed threats to humanity. This class explores drug development processes (antibiotics, antivirals) and covers the overall treatment development, including case analyses and the latest trends.
Advanced Instrumental Methods of Organic Analysis 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Instrumental Methods of Organic Analysis


Lecture Objectives

  • Analytical chemistry for medicinal/pharmaceutical chemistry and application. Classes will be held on every Wednesday and discussed with case studies.
Advanced Organic Synthesis 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Organic Synthesis


Lecture Objectives

  • 본 과목은 의약/약품화학에서 기본이 되는 유기합성을 배우고 이를 실제 연구에 응용하는데 목표로 한다
Advanced Organic Chemistry 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Organic Chemistry


Lecture Objectives

  • 화합물의 구조와 반응 메카니즘에 대한 기본 개념의 이해를 통해, 여러 가지 유기반응 및 유기합성법을 공부할 수 있는 기초를 다지고, 화합물 합성 능력을 배양
Introduction of Structural Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction of Structural Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • Lecture will discuss about the structural aspects of building blocks of biology and the function of the bio-macromolecules in biological systems. The lectures will introduce the tools of structural biology and methodological approaches of determining structure. In addition, the recent examples of structure based drug discovery will be discussed in the class.
Immunology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name



Lecture Objectives

  • 향후 면역 치료제 개발이 가능할 수 있도록 면역학에 대한 기본 이론을 습득함.
Physical Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Physical Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • This class focuses on systematic reviews in organic reaction mechanism and stereo- chemistry. Studies on biomolecules such as nucleic acids, peptides/proteins and carbohydrates.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Molecular and Cellular Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • 기초 생화학, 유전학, 분자생물학을 포함하여 세포의 생명현상에 대한 이론 및 예제를 통한 강의
Introduction to Biopesticides 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Biopesticides


Lecture Objectives

  • 생물학적 방제제를 이용한 식물병 방제 이해
Introduction to Drug Discovery 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Drug Discovery


Lecture Objectives

  • 약리평가기술과 질환을 중심으로 신약개발과정을 소개하는 과목
Cancer Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Cancer Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • 암 발생기전 및 항암제 작용기작 연구에 대한 연구
Drug-Like Properties for Drug Discovery 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Drug-Like Properties for Drug Discovery


Lecture Objectives

  • 신약개발을 위한 약물성에 관한 이해를 목표로 한다. 약물성이란 유효물질, 선도물질, 후보물질 등을 선별함에 있어서 필요한 화합물의 기본적으로 갖추어야 할 성질인 물성, 약물동태, 독성 등을 말하며 약물성에 관한 학습을 통하여 신약개발 후보물질의 선택과 판별에 보다 효율적인 최적화 과정을 수행할 수 있는 지식을 갖추고 신약개발에의 응용에 대해 학습.
Biomolecular Screening Technologies 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Biomolecular Screening Technologies


Lecture Objectives

  • 신약개발과정에서 활용되는 약물 스크리닝에 관한 최신 연구동향
Organometallic Catalyst Chemistry 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Organometallic Catalyst Chemistry


Lecture Objectives

  • 유기금속촉매에 대한 이론 및 기초지식 습득. 유기금속촉매를 이용한 다양한 유기반응의 이해와 의약품 합성에서의 응용을 배움. Understaning of organotransition metal chemistry and application in organic- and medicinal Chemistry
Synthetic Chemistry of Drug 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Synthetic Chemistry of Drug


Lecture Objectives

  • Understanding the stages of drug development and strategy for synthesis of drugs. Essential organic reactions in drug design and synthesis.
Medicinal Chemistry 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Medicinal Chemistry


Lecture Objectives

  • Understanding about drug design and the molecular mechanisms by which drugs act in the body - Structure and function of important drug targets such as receptors, enzymes, and nucleic acids.
Introduction to the Development of Synthetic Pharmaceuticals 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to the Development of Synthetic Pharmaceuticals


Lecture Objectives

  • In the course "Introduction to the Development of Synthetic Pharmaceuticals," you will learn about the latest FDA-approved small molecule (synthetic) drugs and various aspects of drug development. This includes the biology of target proteins, mode of action, screening techniques, molecular design strategies, chemical synthesis, optimization strategies, process chemistry, as well as a brief review of preclinical and clinical trials. The course aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the entire synthetic drug development process. Furthermore, the course will focus on methods to address the challenges that arise during the development of synthetic pharmaceuticals.
Heterocyclic Chemistry 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Heterocyclic Chemistry


Lecture Objectives

  • 헤테로고리화합물은 의약화학분야에서 뿐만 아니라 다양한 분야에서 이용되고 있다. 본 과목에서는 헤테로고리화합물의 명명법, 합성법 및 다양한 유기반응을 이해하고, 특히 의약화학분야에서 응용을 학습한다. Hetrocyclic compounds have a wide range of applications but are of particular interest in medicinal chemistry. In this subject, fundamentals of heterocyclic compound including nomenclature, reactivity, and synthetic methods will be introduced.
Chemical Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Chemical Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • This course is designed to teach biochemistry from a chemical and molecular perspective. Throughout the course particular emphasis will be placed on the molecular interactions in biomolecules and chemical biology approaches to understand biological systems.