Course Name Course number Language Credts Branch Course outline
RNA Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

RNA Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • 생명현상에 필수적인 복잡한 RNA metabolism을 이해하고 다양한 종류의 RNA분자에 대한 기능과 조절기작에 대해 이해 understanding essential roles of complicated RNA metabolisms in life and summarizing molecular and biochemical identities of RNAs and their regulatory functions
Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases


Lecture Objectives

  • 학부과정에서 선행되어 습득된 미생물학, 바이러스학 지식을 기반으로 병원성 세균/바이러스에 의해 유발되는 감염병에 대한 숙주세포면역반응을 포함한 분자병리기전에 대한 최신문헌강의와 토론을 통한 이해습득과 관련분야 연구능력을 함양하는데 강의목표를 두고자함. Study the microbial/viral pathogenesis of infectious disease to promote research development skill
Advanced Molecular Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Molecular Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • 분자생물학은 핵산과 단백질이 세포의 성장, 분열 및 발달 과정에서 어떻게 조절되고 관여하는 지를 다루는 학문임. 본 고급분자생물학 과정에서는 유전체의 정보를 정확하게 복제, 교정 및 해석하는 일련의 분자 조절 기전을 이해하고, 분자 생물학적 현상을 연구하기 위한 실험 기법 등을 수학하기 위해 관련 논문을 중심으로 강의함 (참여교수진에 의해 분자생물학의 최근 연구 동향 및 전공 분야에 때라 학기별 세부 강의 주제가 제시될 것임)
Advanced Cell Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Cell Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • 고급세포생물학은 기초세포생물학 보다 심화된 내용의 세포생물학 지식을 제공함. 생명현상을 세포의 수준에서 분자의 수준에서 이해하며 분석하는 것을 목표로 함. 세포막과 세포질 및 핵을 비롯한 각종 세포구조물의 고유기능과 각 구조물질간의 기능상의 상관관계를 규명함으로써, 세포를 이용한 생물공학적 첨단기술의 개발과 그 산업화에 필요한 지식을 제공함 Advanced cell biology provides more intense cellular biology than basic cell biology. The goal is to understand and analyze life phenomena at the cellular level and at the molecular level. It provides the knowledge necessary for the development and industrialization of high-tech biotechnology using cells by identifying the functions of various cell structures including cellular membranes, cytoplasm and nucleus, and the functional relationship between each structural substance.
Structural Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Structural Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • 구조규명을 통해 생물학분야에 중요한 진보를 이룬 여러 토픽들을 다루게 됨. 토픽들은 탈인산화효소, 핵 수용체, 숙주: 미생물 상호작용, 세포사멸단백질, 금속결합 단백질 등이 포함됨. 구조생물학 전공 학생은 물론 타 생물학 전공 학생들에게 관련 생물학 내용 및 구조연구의 중요성을 이해하는데 도움이 됨. 강의코스에서 학생들은 관련된 최신 및 classic 논문을 숙독하고 발표하는 시간이 포함됨 Structural biology is a field of biology that studies the structures of macromolecules including X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. The aim of this course is to understand the principles of structural biology and to introduce its application to phosphatase signlaing, nuclear receptors, apoptosis regulation, and host-pathogen interaction.
Basic Vaccinology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Basic Vaccinology


Lecture Objectives

  • This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles of vaccines regarding the distinctive features of various vaccine platforms, their immunological modes of action, and target diseases. The curriculum also covers vaccine adjuvants, animal models for vaccine study, and the evaluation of vaccine efficacy in preclinical and clinical stages.
Aging Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Aging Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • The ‘Aging Biology’ course serves as the foundation for comprehending the changes in biological function brought on by aging and researching how these changes can be stopped or slowed down. The main topics cover research on geriatric diseases brought on by aging, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and musculoskeletal degeneration, as well as genetic, environmental, and biochemical factors that affect the aging process.The study of aging is a crucial area of biology that will likely reveal a lot about how to prevent and treat disease as well as improve human health. According to recent study, it may be feasible to slow down or even reverse aging. These findings may also lead to the development of new preventative and therapeutic approaches for age-related disorders.
Multi-Omics Bioinformatics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Multi-Omics Bioinformatics


Lecture Objectives

  • 유전체, 전사체, 후성유전체, 네트워크 분석 등 오믹스 정보분석을 위한 다양한 분석방법에 대하여 공부하고 이해한다 To understand multi-omics studies including genome, transcriptome, epigenomics and network analysis methods.
Protein Design 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Protein Design


Lecture Objectives

  • This lecture offers a comprehensive overview of the latest advances in protein design, with a focus on artificial proteins engineered using in silico tools such as AI. These proteins have numerous applications, including the creation of essential medications and innovative materials for various industries. The lecture covers several crucial areas, including the analysis of 3D protein structures, an overview of Rosetta for protein coding, the integration of AI in protein design, and the use of Python for protein analysis.
Introduction of Proteomics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction of Proteomics


Lecture Objectives

  • 단백체학의 개념과, 원리, 방법, 그리고 응용에 이르기까지 전반적인 리뷰 및 토론함 introduction of proteomics and it is consist of general cocept, methods, ideas, and applications.
Immunology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name



Lecture Objectives

  • 면역학은 생물체의 면역체계를 연구하는 생물학의 한 분야로서, 면역학에 대한 일반적인 총론을 숙지하고 면역체계와 면역작용에 대한 원리와 면역 과정 자체를 통제하는 과정을 이해함 Immunology is a field of biology that studies the immune system of an organism. This subject supports for understanding of general information about immunology and the principles of the immune system, immune function, and controlling the immune process itself.
Virus and Vaccines 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Virus and Vaccines


Lecture Objectives

  • 바이러스 일반적인 소개와 바이러스 백신을 만드는 방법 및 응용법을 리뷰함 Understandings of general virus and its related disease and applications for viral vaccines
Bio Big-Data 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Bio Big-Data


Lecture Objectives

  • Bioinformatics analyses of Whole-Exome/Genome Sequencing data from Personal Gemes, Rare Disease, Cancer Genomes and their interpretation. Some of short time practices of analysis pipelines will be presented. Final exam is to write down summaries of 50 questions into three lines.
Basic Bio-Programming 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Basic Bio-Programming


Lecture Objectives

  • This course will cover algorithms for solving various biological problems along with a handful of programming challenges helping you implement these algorithms in Bio-Programing. It offers a gently paced introduction to our Bioinformatics Specialization, preparing learners to take the course in the Specialization, Development of general analytical pipelines for each type of OMICS data.
Current Reviews on Biological Sciences 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Current Reviews on Biological Sciences


Lecture Objectives

  • 최신 생명과학 연구기술을 소개함. 최신 리뷰 논문을 근거로 매 강좌에 중심 주제는 전공에 맞게 다양하게 주어질 예정임. 강의와 학생들의 주제 발표로 진행됨. 석, 박사 학생을 대상으로 한 영어 강의임 Introduction of current reviews on biological techniques based on review papers. Lectures will give with English by professors and students will participate by presentation about specific theme.
Organic Chemistry for Biological Research 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Organic Chemistry for Biological Research


Lecture Objectives

  • Understand structures of organic compounds and learn basic syntheses, reactions, their mechanisms, and structural analyses for key functional.
Bioinformatics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name



Lecture Objectives

  • 염기서열분석, 유전자 발현분석, 유전자 변이 분석, 분자계통분석 등 생명정보학 제반 분야의 기초 이론에 관한 내용을 강의함 This course deals with the basic theories of bioinformatics such as sequence analysis, gene expression analysis, gene mutation analysis, phylogenetic analysis.
Biostatistics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name



Lecture Objectives

  • 바이오 데이터를 효율적으로 해석하기 위한 일반적인 통계학 기법과 Excel 및 R-project를 이용하여 실험 데이터의 정리, 요약, 분석법을 다룬다.
Methods in Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Methods in Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • “Methods in Biology” will provide the blended learning opportunity as graduate level education to learn both philosophical and practical aspects of modern biology. On-line lectures to cover general research methodology will be accessible through UST/LMS service. Off-line lectures to cover practical methods and experimental protocols will be provided by experts for selected topics.
Biochemistry 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name



Lecture Objectives

  • 생화학의 개념과 원리를 이해하고, 생명체에서 일어나는 전반적인 생물학적/화학적 과정을 교육하고자 함 The aim of this course is to understand the principles of biochemistry and to introduce the biological/chemical processes within and relating to, living organisms.
Signal Transduction & Human Diseases 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Signal Transduction & Human Diseases


Lecture Objectives

  • 생리적, 병리적 환경에서 생명현상을 조절하는 생체신호전달계에 대한 현상을 학습함. 이 교과목에서는 질환별 핵심인자 및 신호전달, 수용체, 막에서의 신호변환 기전, 활성산소, 세포외 기질, 면역 물질과 신호전달, 유전자 발현 조절, 세포별 신호전달, 질환별 신호전달 등을 학습함. 본 과목 이수를 통해 인체에서 일어나는 신호전달과 생명현상의 이해 및 응용 연구에 도움이 될 것임 This course aims to study the phenomenon of biological signal transduction systems that regulate life phenomena in physiological and pathological environments. In this course, we will study disease-mediated key factors and signal transduction, receptors, signal transduction mechanisms in membranes, reactive oxygen species, extracellular matrix, immune related signal transduction, the regulation of gene expression, cell-type specific signal transduction. This course will help students to understand the signal transduction, life phenomena, and application study in the human body.
Experiments in Cell Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Experiments in Cell Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • In this lecture, you will understand and learn the principles of various experimental methods, including animal model necessary for cell biology.
Functional Genomics in Plants 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Functional Genomics in Plants


Lecture Objectives

  • Since NGS was developed, 2,072 reference genomes have been constructed for multi-omics analysis. Major genome-based analyses for study of trait associated genes will be introduced for training experts. Literature studies from preparation of plant materials to data interpretation will be provided.
Neurobiology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name



Lecture Objectives

  • 신경 해부, 신경 생리학을 포함한 신경계의 구조 및 기능 소개. 주제는 신경세포의 속성, 기작과조직 특성 등에 관한 것으로, 신경생물학, 신경 병리학, 퇴행성 신경계 질환 등에 대한 강의가 진행됨 Introduction to the structure and function of the nervous system, including neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Topics include the properties of neurons and the mechanisms and organization underlying higher functions. Framework for general work in neurology, neuropathology, neuro-degenerative disorders and for more advanced work in neurobiology.
Experimental Animal and Primatology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Experimental Animal and Primatology


Lecture Objectives

  • 실험동물 및 영장류학은 현대의 의료 중심의 생명과학분야를 이해하기 위한 전문 과목으로써, 인간과 진화적으로 가장 가까운 영장류를 이해하기 위해 분류학, 생태학, 해부학, 생리학, 실험동물학 등 다양한 분야를 공부하는 학문임. 이러한 학문뷴야를 통해 영장류와 실험동물을 이해하고 이를 통해 우리 인류를 이해할 수 있음
Cancer Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Cancer Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • 암의 분자 및 세포 기전에 대한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 암의 성장과 전이 과정에 대한 생물학적인 이해도를 높이고 암을 치료할 수 있는 방법을 찾아내기 위함으로 개설되었으며, 강의 내용은 암의 발생원인, 암유전자 및 암억제유전자, 암 특이 신호전달체계, 암 발생, 종양미세환경과의 상호작용 및 전이 등을 포함함 The purposes of this lecture are to understand the biology of cancer growth and metastasis and to look for cancer treatment modalities in the future, based on the knowledge about the molecular and cellular mechanism of cancer. The contents of this lecture may include the causative agents for cancer, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cancer-specific signaling pathways, tumorigenesis, heterotypic interaction with tumor microenvironment, and tumor metastasis.
Cancer Metabolism 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Cancer Metabolism


Lecture Objectives

  • The class covers cell and molecular biology of tumor metabolism, metabolites, tumor microenvironment, diagnostics and epigenetics, providing a thorough insight into and understanding of tumor cell metabolism and its role in tumor biology.
Genome Editing Technology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Genome Editing Technology


Lecture Objectives

  • 유전자가위의 제작 및 적용 을 통해 기초연구 및 치료제 개발에 관한 지식과 연구능력을 함양함 To learn how to clone, manipulate, and apply genome editing technologies for basic sciences, gene therapy, and therapeutics.
Genomics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name



Lecture Objectives

  • 유전학 및 유전체학 분야의 최신 기술과 지식을 습득하고 이해함 To learn and understand recent knowledged in the field of genetics and genomics
Biomedical Informatics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Biomedical Informatics


Lecture Objectives

  • 암을 포함한 질병 관련 유전체 데이터를 중심으로 오믹스 데이터와 임상정보를 통합 및 바이오마커 발굴에 필요한 생물정보학 기법을 학습함 This course deals with techniques to integrate and analyze clinical information based on disease-related omics data including cancer.
Medicinal Molecular Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Medicinal Molecular Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • Molecular biology is a biological field seeking to understand the molecular basis of biological activity in and between cells. The field of molecular biology also includes diverse techniques that enable to learn about molecular processes in biology, which are also useful for targeting new drugs, diagnosing disease, and understanding cell physiology. 'Medicinal Molecular Biology' will cover past and recent developments in drug discovery based on the molecular understanding of biological phenomena as well as the enabling techniques that are useful for understanding, diagnosing, and targeting human diseases.
Human Physiology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Human Physiology


Lecture Objectives

  • Human physiology is the study of the normal function of organs (organs) or cells of living things. “Physiology” is a branch of biology, and “human physiology” is though as a branch of medicine. In this course, we aim to have an integrated understanding of how our human body is formed and how it works, from the cellular level to the principles of the structure and function of each organ in the human body. Ultimately, it is intended to help the understanding of human health and disease by understanding the “pathophysiology” and “medical physiology” of each organ system based on basic physiology.
Stem Cell Biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Stem Cell Biology


Lecture Objectives

  • 줄기세포에 대한 기초 및 응용지식의 습득. 줄기세포 확보기술과 활용기술에 대한 최신 동향 파악. Aiming to learn basic and advanced knowledge on stem cells. Reviewing the latest technology trends on acquisition and application of stem cells.
Lipid Biochemeistry 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Lipid Biochemeistry


Lecture Objectives

  • Based on the knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology learned in undergraduate courses, we will discuss the fate of lipids and study the chemical and physical properties of lipid bilayers. Through discussions about the latest literature and inspection of research trends, we’d like to cultivate research capabilities in the related field.
Chemical biology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Chemical biology


Lecture Objectives

  • Target Identification and validation of biologically active compounds using chemical and genomic tools
Epigenetics & Epigenomics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Epigenetics & Epigenomics


Lecture Objectives

  • 생체현상에 대한 후성유전학적 이해 Understanding of epigenetic mechanisms involved in various biological pathways